Purpose of Chrysalis

Chrysalis is the growth stage between caterpillars and butterflies. While on the surface it may look like nothing is happening, the delicate process changes a caterpillar into a butterfly with wings and beautiful colors. This idea of many beautiful colors is symbolized the Emmaus phrase “DeColores”. The Chrysalis process symbolizes that though dying to self, Christ can transform us into something beautiful. We must open ourselves to Jesus for this transformation to occur.

Chrysalis is the name chosen for the Youth Walk to Emmaus because it symbolizes faith grown in the lives of the youth – the spiritual growth that is necessary between adolescences and adulthood. It is a crucial time of maturing faith for discipleship. Chrysalis has its roots deeply planted in its parent movement, the Walk to Emmaus. Chrysalis has its roots deeply planted in its opportunity to learn more about faith, to experience Christian Love and support, and a chance to make new commitments in their faith journey.

The commitment of Chrysalis is a commitment to Jesus Christ through the local church! The content of the weekend focuses on God’s grace, how one experiences Christ as friends in the body of Christ, and how one is called into discipleship, giving love in a needful world.

The objective of Chrysalis is to inspire, challenge, and equip local Church Youth for a closer friendship with Christ and for Christian action at home, Church, school and community. Chrysalis lifts up a way for youth to be a friend of Christ in the world.

Separate Chrysalis Weekends for Boys and Girls are conducted in the summer of each year by the Central Mississippi Chrysalis Community. You are eligible to attend during the summer after completion of the 9th grade and remain eligible through the summer after the completion of the 12th grade.

What happens after Chrysalis?

After a Chrysalis weekend, you are invited to become intentional about your faith through local church participation, small group studies, and interpersonal sharing groups that provide the fellowship and support for giving love to a needful world. You are invited to build upon your Chrysalis Weekend for the rest of your life. You are invited to rise to a new day, every day.

What you have experienced on the Chrysalis weekend is possible for your daily life. However, two things are necessary: (1) you need to have contact with Christ; Faith first of all is acceptance of Christ as your Savior. This is not simply a phrase, but an acceptance of a relationship God offers us. You have to put yourself in the presence of Christ in prayer, scripture, meditation, and worship. (2)You need to have contact with other Christians. Do you ever notice that you end up doing what the people you are with do? If they love with the love of God, you experience that same Love. The best way to strengthen your faith is to share it with others. Share some personal experiences of contact with Christ and contact with Christians that have a lasting influence on strengthening your faith.

After Chrysalis you can strengthen your faith in several ways. There are several church activities of the Chrysalis Program that will help, but remember Chrysalis is not your new church!

  • Reunion Groups – they should be serious, sincere, discreet and regular.
  • “Hoots” are gatherings for communion, fellowship, and singing.
  • Recruit other youth for a Chrysalis Weekend, but remember to keep the surprises – like candlelight – so it can be a gift to them. Chrysalis may not be for everyone, so ask God’s direction in recruiting others.
  • Attending Candlelights for Emmaus and Chrysalis Weekends.
  • Serving on a Chrysalis team. Christ directs us to all to serve others. It is a real blessing to serve others on a Chrysalis team.

Finally, you receive only as much out of a relationship as you put into it. Your relationship with God will depend greatly on how much attention you give to making it a meaningful, loving and fruitful relationship.